Is my home suitable for solar panels?

For many people interested in a renewable energy source for their home, solar panels are a leading option. But how do you know if your home is suitable?

We understand that many potential solar customers have this query, which is why we’ve put together this guide to provide you with all the information you require to answer the question.

When it comes to the suitability of homes in the UK to benefit from solar power, we believe that the answer is almost always an emphatic yes. In fact, solar panels can generate significant amounts of solar energy towards powering your home.

Aside from some access to natural light and a professional installation team, there isn’t much more needed to get solar panels up, running and generating energy for your home, so what will help you determine whether your home is definitely suitable for solar panels?

What are the key concerns for solar panel suitability?

There are a variety of considerations with regards to whether or not solar panels are suitable for your home, with the main ones being:

The Roof of the Property – Depending on the amount of electricity you require (usually dependent on the size of the property and number of inhabitants) there are different types of solar panel systems that can be installed at your property. Once you know how many solar panels are the ideal number to install, the size and angle of your roof comes into play. For the most efficient solar panel systems, the roof is best facing south, but even on north, east or west-facing roofs you only lose around 15% compared to south-facing.

You should ensure that as far as possible, there are no shaded areas on the roof and panels are installed at a 35-degree angle for optimal absorption of sunlight, but there are ways to maximise generation even in shade, e.g. micro-inverters/power optimisers. If you have a flat roof, many suppliers can still install, but you may have to pay a small additional fee to cover the mountings that may be needed.

Planning Permission – In general you do not need planning permission for solar panel installation, as most installations will fall under Permitted Development rights. However, there are a few circumstances where planning permission will be required. For instance, if you’re in a conservation area, the panels should not be visible from the road. You may also need permission if you are having a ground-mounted system.

Once these factors have been considered, you’re ready to move forward with the purchase and installation of your solar panels. You could also consider an accompanying solar battery, which gives the ability to store some of your solar energy to use at night when you’re home.


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